The Hot And Cold Of The 21st Century Churches

Let’s start this piece like this; Judge not so that you might not be judged. The church is not what it seems on the inside as we see it on the outside. As a matter of fact, the churches religious activities are way better than its politics and hierarchical chain crisis all the time.

In Nigeria, churches like The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Winners Chapel Ministries and Believers Love World are categorized as big, due to the chain of franchise such as schools, regional branches, zonal branches and so on. But the controversies of who benefits from churches like that remain a question hanging in the air for so long.

It is explained in the bible that, even unbelievers are capable of loving who loves them, but true Christians must love those who do not love them as well. When churches go diabolic due to desperation of filling the church seats which in turn leads to bigger harvest of tithes and offerings seems more like a business. They are quick to displaying account number details on the screen every Sunday, but how does the congregation benefit from the church? When the church decides to help, how many percentage of the congregation do they tend to?

Pastors flying private jet are a big concern. Have they tried flying a sick church member in need of surgery outside the country for treatment with the jet, talkless of a non-member? Let’s talk about the schools for a minute. Average members cannot afford to study in church established schools, only the wealthy can. What does that mean? It means, if you are broke, go home. The church only recognize the rich.

The church has rigid its roles only to be a spiritual lead and nothing more to their flocks and that is the beginning of the end. The church wants to prophesy, preach faith and expect these spiritual acts to turn into money for them by the congregation. If one is to think about it, the congregation might as well return the good gesture by merely appreciating in words. After all, only words were said to them.

Pastor Adeboye of The Redeemed Christian Church of God was asked to step down by the board in 2015. It means a church owned by Papa Ekundayomi which he handed over to Pastor Adeboye is now owned by many because, churches are now places where people buy shares, invest and expect returns. A financial enterprise. And what did Jesus say about buying and selling in the house of God?

The Leaders of these churches use the word of God to justify their unbiblical acts, manipulating the mind of followers. And really, what is the religious stand on Gay relationships? Is the Pope not still finding it hard to testify against the catechists found guilty of sexual assaults against male children as well as reverend sisters in the catholic fold?  Everyone is human and humans sin against God, asks for forgiveness and makes restitution, but the hypocrisy of self-righteousness blinds the congregation of the real dirt in churches.

Don’t get this article wrong, men of God deserve good things, but the bone of contention here is, why is it hard for them to trust God in handling the business of the church with the help of the Holy Spirit? Back in the day, churches assist in the development and growth of the communities they find themselves in, but that is not the case today, they cause traffic on major routes and they couldn’t care less who is stuck in it. Members go for camping and there are not well catered for.

But the church has refused to pay taxes now, they are growing bigger by the day, but they will not give back to the people they take from. These are all what people see and turn away from Christianity, exactly the things Christians run out of words to defend in public. Some say tithing is wrong now, all because of the controversies church leaders have caused.

What can we then make of all these things if it is not only an underlined confusion for those who attend these churches…

About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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