Rape allegations are like the trending topics on social media in Nigeria and Twitter is the admin spot. Let it be CLEARLY stated that this write up does not debunk rape cases ongoing or rape allegations, rather, it is another form of awareness everyone needs to understand.
Firstly, rape can be forceful or violent, it might also not be and lack of force does not make it any less than rape. In the case of regretted sex, it happens to be the grey area between consent to sex and rape, where a lady could not place her feelings to agreeing to sex and not agreeing to sex before the sex commenced.
It could also be a scenario where the woman feels disgusted or sad after having sex with a man and sometimes this boils down to the fact that the woman did not get her desired reaction from the man after sex or got dumped after sex.
This is more psychological because instantly, the woman feels used and feels like trash so much it makes her skin crawl and she feels ashamed and her mind begins to feel a need to shift the blame instead of owning it as pain or a mistake. In this case, it cannot be regarded as rape, but a revenge mission or a blame to feel better in your mind.
If the mind begins to accept and picture the sex as rape, it becomes easy for anyone to be convinced by the story of a rape allegation.
Hence, critical psych questions need to be asked from suspected rape victims in therapy which should be in any hospital anyway, to know the state of mind and to have a vivid replication of the scenario being told by the victim.
Again, rape exists but women must know the clarity of a rape case is in their hands even when such cases cannot be divulged to parents or guidance (in cases where guidance are the predators).
Hospitals should volunteer to carry out medical tests for free to encourage people to have the expected proof of rape cases, especially for those who find it hard to tell someone when they have been raped, so that rape cases against predators can be clear and glitch-free. Medical records will still be substantial even after years when victims are ready to speak about it or make a case on it.
Lack of evidence makes a whole lot of rapist walk free in the society and such can only be curbed if the victim has enough evidence like videos, audio recordings, pictures, witnesses but the most essential is a medical record to corroborate the story.
which makes it a matter of urgency for rape victims to go to the hospital immediately after rape.
Rape cases can’t be left to be judged by sentiments if it must be eradicated in the society.