Political Gospel Of Nigeria

Contrary to what we believe about politics, saying it is dirty seem untrue. With critical findings and first-hand observation, I can boldly say that those involved in politics in any part of the world has being infected with the disease and as a result, the request to belong to the category is made willingly.

At all cost, a politician want to be heard simply because they feel they can make a difference with something, little did they know that they are one of them. It is a circle joined and all rules are adhered to, you cannot come in with your own rules. But often times, they come in with their own rules till the force within makes those rules dormant and useless.

Every time, a new president comes with a new agenda but those agendas are not achieved. That is because, they did not call themselves on the assignment. Desperation sets in, forces playing against are too much. The only way success can be guaranteed is when you play according to the rules.

I have seen righteous political parties you have not seen or heard of on your TV screen. They were told that before they can have an impact on the masses, they need a political platform. Till today, they borrow halls from those in power to hold their meetings. They are being played, but they stand righteous. In my country, Politics is used to make a lot of money and a truck load of enemies. They go into office looking young and pass the power to the next man looking older. Don’t for once think they are so much into their assignment because they are not, they are neck deep in a lot of problems and sleeping is almost impossible.

They are like lepers, the disease is contagious. The ones preaching against wants the power back because it is intoxicating, political power tastes like rum. All it takes you to feel this is just move close to the gate of power, you smell it in the atmosphere. They mostly lack innovations of their own, so they either imitate or bully it away from an ordinary man who thought his intellectuals will fetch him fame and fortune.

There are few instances, we can fix the puzzles but truth is that we are not better off. If we find ourselves there today with the mindset to change something, we will be fighting a lot of people and things. It requires loyalty to the point of death before you are allowed in, courage to be ready to lose anything, get ready to be betrayed and guess what, the disease has no cure.

Politics we witness today is as a result of the build in secrecy over years. It is not rational for a man beaten not to raise his hands for submission not to die. But our president today has refused to streamline a video to prove he is healthy because doing that will affect a lot of settings in the political circle, chances are taken on his life to sustain power by a given cabal. Truth is that, he still has a chance to better health care of making the best choice to take care of himself, but ‘The Abuja House’ is under watch by all and sundry. I bet his life is on alternative grounds right now, anything not to let the power go.

A governor once said “I have good intentions and the platform I used in the past did not seem to carry the weight of the intentions and therefore, I had to get a platform to make a difference, it didn’t matter what platform. I just knew I had to get a platform to reach my people” The switch in platform led to breeding many enemies even right there in his administration, no wonder the struggle for power through someone else was prematurely terminated with uncountable court cases prior to the election.

Citizens are hungry and living less than their dreams, yet they collect their salary and allowances and they come out with a self-righteous talk of doing their best to make sure everything is better and back to normal, preaching patience to us till we all die. Can they show a little concern for us by refusing their salary or allowances given to them in millions to prove to us that they are there because of us? Can they please put their salaries together to pay salaries or pension of those that cannot afford three square meals because they care about us? after all, they have investments and businesses that can fetch them money.

They cannot, because that part of them was long-lost before they took hold of power. They don’t belong to us anymore once they meet that height. Save your hope for your God if you have any.


About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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