Mugabe-The Old Lion And The Coup

The story goes on and on and it seems it won’t end. Zimbabwe is the talk of history now and Robert Mugabe cannot do anything to change the circumstance that surrounds him. The old Lion is fighting back for a supremacy that was gone before he woke up on the 14th of November, 2017.

Ninety-Three years of life and Thirty-Seven years of absolute power is not a reality anyone wants to give up to only be remembered in dreams. But the betrayal, love, ambition and fight-back is a movie staged in Zimbabwe that history once again will never forget.

Robert Mugabe is fighting against reality even after a soft coup woke his weak bones up that faithful day. Zimbabwean army chief General Constantino Chiwenga, a onetime freedom fighter along-side Mugabe for Zimbabwe, believes that the President has lost the focus of the struggle. Besides, it looks like Mugabe nurses the idea to rule forever by leaving power for his wife, Grace Mugabe who might want to also give the throne to a son.

The desire to rewrite history in the country is a necessity and that is why, even the party he formed in power succumbs to the subject of the coup and severally advising Mugabe to step down from power. The whole country will agree to a vote of No-Confidence and vote to impeach the man hat has named a country after himself.

The Old Lion is fighting the lost cause of die-trying to hold onto power come what may by agreeing to resign, only to go on air to say otherwise and holding on to follow the tide that swept in the coup in the first place.

Another freedom fighter who fought alongside Mugabe and the Army Chief General is set to be named the next Zimbabwe President if everything falls in place. History continues till the scene fades and the next act begins. Zimbabwe is on the world screen.



About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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