Libya Slave Trade: A rejuvenation Of Slavery We Once Ignored

Life itself is slavery. It is funny sometimes how social media helps a lot of elites in the society see how wrong is the world. It is no news that blacks are still slaves in other countries and this is simply because we chose to often walk into the unknown in search of ends meet.

Rejuvenated form of slavery did not just start today, the one placed in social media is the most talked about and most sang about, with little or no change at all. If we decide to ignore child trafficking in South Sudan, Algeria,Venezuela,Somalia and sex trafficking in Italy, North Korea and forget about the illegal way we forcefully inject our way into other countries who respectfully deports us instead of selling us into slavery like Libya is doing today then, it is easy for us to think the slavery in Libya is something e never saw coming.

In all honesty, how many National Leaders in African countries has stood up to plan a fight against the Libya slavery? Is it Zimbabwe who is trying to rule itself or the ones who are trying not to even sell off their countries to the Europeans behind closed doors meetings?

It is shameful to admit, but truly it is a shame that in this level of civilization attained by the world, slavery is still a possibility, what then have we been trying to solve the puzzle of  freedom for if all along, we have been putting ourselves back into it. Once we are free, we tend to look for the chains because we feel it fits better.

Libya slavery is a sad thing, but I bet it will be swept under the rug sooner than it is being talked about.  Celebrities posting snapchat messages. I wonder why they cannot do a meeting to see how their influence can help the UN on this issue, but we have more sympathy for the slaves on snapchat for more follower-ship, musicians singing about it for sales not like Fela Kuti or Bob Marley will sing about it.

Nobody believes that circus shows anymore, these guys only chose the news they listen to and the ones that makes them look good.  Start with the little ones under your roof and in your wardrobe such as, the ones you pay for sex by capitalizing on their needs, the ones who work in your companies and you owe for months, the ones you exploit, the ones you defraud and stop domestic violence against the weaker gender, put up your change process and we will applaud you for a job well done.


About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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