Country Crossing,Obama And Gadhafi Blamed For Libya Slave Trade

As it is logically deduced that the Libya slave trade is not an event of captured immigrants with legal documents but rather immigrants with illegal documents caught and detained for repatriation.

Head of Mission Embassy of Nigeria to Libya, Illiya Danladi-Fachano revealed in an interview with Channels TV and News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that  the department in Libya is doing all it can to register Nigerian immigrants who are detained in the detention camps across the Libyan regions.

Fachano factually stated that, 5,000 Nigerians have been registered so far and admits the difficulty faced by the department to reach other detention camps, as it takes a special form of communication to reach other regions in Libya. He further stated that the ease encountered by his department in Tripoli, is due to the UN-backed government in the western region of Libya.

The Nigerian first man in Libya also revealed that the Italian government’s pact with Libya to repatriate or detain an illegal immigrant on the Mediterranean sea has increased the number of detained immigrants as they are caught crossing from Libya to Europe with illegal or no documents at all.

He appeals to the Nigerian government to make haste in the plan of sending in air crafts to rescue the number of Nigerian immigrants who are willing to go back home according to the register with the department.  As reports update shows that other African countries are already repatriating their citiens from Libya. Record shows that Niger already  sent home 500 citizens from Libya.

Some report has come to place the blame of the Libya slave trade on Obama during his administration’s 2011 intervention in Libya. The United States launched an operation in Libya with NATO in 2011 in an attempt to save civilians who were targeted to be massacred by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

University of Texas professor, Alan J. Kuperman, said in an interview with Newsweek claims overthrowing Gadhafi led to many of the failed nation’s issues, including the slave trade. Obama also admits the intervention is the ‘worst mistake’ he has made as a president.

And according to a prophetic tweet from Trump in 2011, “As bad as Qaddafi was—what comes next in Libya will be worse—just watch,” he said at the time.


About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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