In recent times, celebrities now celebrate their birthdays in glamourous ways, especially for the female influencers and movie actresses. Glamour extends to hosting receptions for guests, continental dishes, changing of clothes several times before the event is over. Don’t get me started on the castle cakes and artist performances. It’s a whole show.
The Idea: Don’t ask me how these all started, but the reason might not be far fetched since celebrities in Nigeria often engage in unhealthy competition sometimes and thus, desire to out-do the other person. Only a baseless reason for celebrating with colleagues, it is also ridiculous to practically do things because you simply want to be talked about. Besides, where is sanity found with all the stress associated with the planning of such an event that seems unnecessary?
Back in the days, people celebrate age milestones like age 30, 50, 60… and so on, now they celebrate the in-betweens the same way, making it look like a yearly intentional lavish events. Not necessarily a bad idea, but could there be another reason for this trend among Nigerian celebrities?
Here are some of such events:

The KWAM 1 Effect: Don’t know how true this is, but I learnt King Wasiu Ainde the Fuji musician is often booked all through the year, so it is up to him to give the date that will be convenient for him to perform during events. So, most of the time, he picks the date of the event for his clients. I believe it to be true because recently Fathia Balogun Williams celebrated her birthday some months back and suddenly we saw on socials that she is hosting another birthday where KWAM 1 performed but didn’t perform in the previous event.