Some hard speculation going on is how officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission are now knocking down doors in the middle of the night to arrest suspected fraudsters. Several eyewitnesses or victims of these raids has described it as terrorizing and traumatic.

The raid that made the news reportedly happened at a hotel in Enugu with videos to prove the event happened in the dead of the night and recent news according to @goldmynetv, a popular female journalist, Norah Okafor narrates her ordeal when they entered into her compound and destroyed her gadgets. She said she thought they were armed robbers until two officials got into her room and saw they were EFCC officials.

With the bestowed on the EFCC to seize, confiscate assets and freeze accounts, do they really need to ambush alleged fraudsters to get them arrested? To also think, this new approach is not being used with politicians under their watch radar, rather, they invite them over to a designated branch for interrogation. So, why is it different with average Nigerians?

The SARS saga is yet to be properly eradicated and it seems a new task force is picking the mantle to continue with terrorizing raids without prior invitation or decent arrests of suspected fraudsters. This might be another growing injustice against Nigerians and the EFCC might need a proper structure on how to handle the arrest of suspected fraudsters.

About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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