It is easy to sympathize more with a woman that is being abused, but no one talks much about men that are abused in marriage or a relationship. One could prove that by questioning the strength of a male who sits and watch a woman beat him up all the time. We forget that as strong as a man can be emotionally and physically, they are humans too and they also hurt.
A man cannot go around telling everyone that cares to listen that he is being abused by his spouse due to the embarrassmentĀ and the abuse we talk here is in categories and stages. A young boy can be abused by his mother or sisters or even maids at this stage, one cannot fault the small boy based on his strength but will be sympathized with because he is still a child, forgetting that he is a male-child whose issue should be addressed as such.
The repercussion of an abused man or male-child is what reflects on the domestic violence against women that we all refer to these days. A man who refuses to retaliate a spouse’s abuse against him is a total display of love and this is also the reason for women sometimes too, not because they cannot hit their spouse back but they feel they can handle it and live with it. It then becomes something that gets out of hand where a lot of damage would have been done and all the physical brutality that comes with it.
The case of domestic violence against men might not be a popular trend in our society but it is happening and it is indirectly costing us more than we know. The same amount of attention given to domestic violence against women should also be given to the same case against men or a male-child if domestic violence has to be eradicated totally.