A Democratic Coup (CUPP)

CUPP (Coalition of United Political Paties)

About 40 political parties including R-APC, PDP, ADC (led by Chief Olusegun Obasanjo), Labour Party and SDP have signed a memorandum against the present central power, APC, on July 9, 2018. The parties which formed the alliance picked an identity and called it ‘Coalition of United Political Parties’ (CUPP). Although, the coalition is yet to be a merger, dust is being raised to uproot theĀ  present government still. One can deduce that the choice of identity in CUPP, is synonymous to the word coup.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbj3G3TrHVs]

The signing of a memorandum by these parties happens to be a repeat event, since the present political party in power did the same back in 2014. The whole merger journey started with Atiku Abubakar’s declaration for the presidential election in the forthcoming 2019 election, and decided to defect from APC to join hands with PDP again after he ran along side former president Olusegun Obasanjo.

His bold defection from APC as a major stakeholder of the party has since then rocked the political party and has helped the opposition gather more strength by drilling more loopholes in the current administration.

Gradually, the MoU signed accumulates political titans with like minds forming a formidable force against president Buhari and those the political power has favoured in the past three years, which led to the Reformed All Progressive Congress (R-APC). The fire to remove the seating power from office is spreading quite fast and right before our very eyes within two weeks, a fraction broke out of APC and the signing of a memorandum by CUPP has happened.

This strategy goes in two ways for Nigerians as usual – a tactic to confuse the masses that a new concept is being birthed through a new political formation solely to secure power and repeat history again. PDP was castigated for corruption cases and now, APC is being castigated for dictatorship.

A memorandum signed by the alliance of previous political parties will not change the tone of their governance.

It is therefore pertinent for Nigerians to use the present vulnerability of these political parties to their advantage.

Jiti Ogunye, a legal practitioner, said on ChannelsTV, that the youths in the country who are also eyeing the presidential seat should form a merger to unseat the same circle of politicians posing different political formation, or vote to power an individual based on his recorded credibility and aspirations rather than judging them by the prowess of their political parties which will go a long way to giving a new definition to the Nigerian system of government.


About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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