President Buhari Dares Nigeria’s Democracy

 As long as the president does not show any trace of corruption in administering power, authoritarianism is not a problem. Over the news wave, the withdrawal of $462 million by president Buhari which was admitted by him in a letter directed to the National Assembly, has become a bone of contention.

President Buhari admits he approved $462 million from the excess Crude Account to United States for the procurement of 12 Super Tucano aircraft, without a prior approval of the National Assembly, due to the deadline given by United States. The National A Assembly are only in on it for the sole-purpose of adding it to the 2018 appropriation bill.

The total amount for purchase reads US$496,374,470.00 and the admitted amount was summed up to 151,394,421,335.00 for no further reason and to drive it all home, a total amount of $1 billion was withdrawn for the security needs of the country.

Part of the letter written to the National Assembly by president Buhari reads; “ In the expectation that the National Assembly would have no objection to the purchase of this highly specialised aircraft, which is critical to national security, I granted anticipatory approval for the release of US$496,374,470.00. This was paid directly to the United States Government…” The letter precedes the claim that the possibility of the withdrawn amount was discussed with the state governors and subsequently, at the meeting of the National Economic Council on 14th December, 2017 where a resolution was passed for the approval of $1 billion from the Excess Crude Account.

The deadline excuse for not properly seeking approval from the National Assembly is a no-brainer since a business transaction has no means of placing unnecessary pressure if the demand for such products are not high. The excuse presented by president Buhari did not indicate high demand of the aircraft which simply means if the purchase was honestly made, Nigerian Government under president Buhari’s administration just allowed itself to be bullied by the United States.

The assumption of the president on all members of the National Assembly to be on board with his decision on the withdrawal is an exhibition of authoritarianism which demeans the Rule of Law as well as democracy which the country stands for.

Will the National Assembly investigate the issue and stand together to establish the same course of a democratic nation? Only time will tell.

About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.

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