Women who are symbols of love and purity are now becoming monsters and who do we blame for this? women? Or those who feel they have the power to re-create them?

In every society, there are some groups who live to encourage others to be pro-active and positive, these groups are very effective. Also, there are other groups, who in its lack of opening up to situations and the dynamism of the world, sees only the negativity in newness or a stand against what is perceived as norms and they are these groups are also effective. The last group consists of the takers, those who absorb the contradictions and grow with it.  

In the Christian faith, a woman was created from the passionate side of God, while a man was created from the dominating side of God and as we well know, each has its own role to play in the world generally. Therefore, every woman is a vector of solution which is created out of love or compassion.

Over the years, the men’s world has in three ways mismanaged the power of compassion wielded in women;

1, By taking the love with force

2, By using up the love and not replenishing

3, By replacing the love with fear

These three ways has decapitated the ability of women to reach their full potentials and men make women monsters. The men’s world is like joint particles, they stick with one another while the women are created as solo particles and this is because, they need space to radiate compassion within their own world.

A woman’s love/compassion is solely not designed for her, it is designed for others who in turn refuels her with happiness that she convert to compassion. If this cycle is altered, there is going to be an immediate chaos in her world and a man realizes he has ended up with a woman, who does not trust him, who is promiscuous or demanding, materialistic and so on.

As much as the world believes that women’s happiness can be discarded, it is a dangerous behavior to the whole world because a man’s DNA mostly breeds domination but it is men who needs love the most. They feel the need to be appreciated, a need to be perceived as important, a need to be loved and cared for, a need to feel PROUD and the unfortunate thing is that, they cannot provide themselves with the solutions to these needs and study shows that a man is relieved of these needs more with women than other factors such as wealth or social positions.

But what relief will be gotten from a woman whose love has been replaced with fear, tapped out or whose love is force fully taken? Nothing, the woman is of no use to humanity anymore and the world depends on a woman’s compassion which starts with the family unit and reflects on the society at large. The more families with women who have their compassion intact we have in the society, the more good we can harvest within ourselves, or else, we are lost and will continue to find what went wrong and how to get it fixed. If the disregard for women continues, the gender will continue to metamorphose into a self-destructive entity.  

About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.