Nigerians Turning To Beggars

The hardship is getting to the core parts of Nigeria as average Nigerians starts to  beg for alms for feeding and basic human needs. At a point in time in Nigeria, it was easy to categorize the populace in three groups; the Rich,the Middle Class and the poor. The  country which comprises of more middle class than the Rich and Poor group are now displaced.

A lot of issues has made the middle class shrink and blend into the poor class even as the present government has not helped to make things better. Several instances has been witnessed in the country when a mother or father goes about with a child to beg for alms, some leave a their town of residence to the state capital to explore the possibilities of getting food to eat or money to take care of themselves.

The rich which also happens to be in control of powers in the states and the country at large are not aware of this sudden development in the country, they are busy fighting corruption as citizens commits suicide when they face the frustration of not being paid their monthly wages for 12 months, which was a case in Kogi State.

It gets worse by the day. A woman who traveled a distance from her hometown to a state capital said “Someone had to buy my daughter a plate of Rice today and I myself have not had a drop of water talk less of food in my stomach all day and now, someone just paid for my transportation back home and I still have nothing to eat tomorrow”

The case worsens as people approached for help also express their frustration claiming they also are managing the situation with the little they have with their families. The story of the National budget has never  been clear since 2015, looted funds discovered has not been channeled into anything, embargo placed on importation has not been lifted and little is being produced for consumption within the country.

Citizens are literally going hungry by the day and sellers are also lamenting lack of sales on market produce. We urge the government to immediately look into the circulation of funds, pay up indebted wages in bulk not the ‘once-in-a-while’ drop that is being swallowed by initial debt, but something enough to sustain the citizens and balance their needs with the income at hand.


About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.