Marriage Is A Designed Bomb For Women

“Ever since we started getting married and buying houses, my girlfriends and I don’t laugh much anymore. We mostly just complain”

In recent years, women have more right to be who they want to be, but it still feels like the specie remains in a paradox of declining female happiness. The society has painted a picture that women are happy to be married, but study shows they are sad in marriage, more than twice they were when single.

Marriage has more benefit for the society than the parties who come together solely based more on emotions than other reasons such as sympathy, business deals and so on. Women are being used as a bait to keep the society running. Here is how;

Marriage reduces men;s violence and conflicts in a society  by giving men something to loose. It also increases men’s effort at work, which is good for capitalists and for the economy. Marriage often lead to children which also means more earning and spending which makes workers reliable and dependent on employers. It reduces mobility and creates next generation of workers and social security investors.

The effect of all these tells more on women than men. According to Lisa Wade, Professor at Occidental College and Author of American Hookup explained that women are less happy than single women and less happy than their husbands, they are more likely to file for divorce or seek separation and when they do, they are happier as divorcees. She stated that the opposite is true for men. She said divorced women are likely never to remarry unlike men.

In her personal experience, “Ever since we started getting married and buying houses, my girlfriends and I don’t laugh much anymore. We mostly complain” she said. For a fact she said, marriage is a moment of subordination and women so much than men subordinate themselves and their career to their relationship,children and husband’s career.

These factors take away the joy of dreams they have for themselves making them feel less fulfilled and makes them perceive a waste of time for things out of their control. they often feel trapped in marriage than enjoying it with their partner. Several studies has shown that men benefit more from marriage than women in everything and health-wise also.

Landmark Research by University College London shows that single women does not suffer the same negative health effects as married women in the chances of developing metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of diabetes,high blood pressure and obesity. The research also shows that women who divorced in mid and late 20s had 31 per cent lower odds of metabolic syndrome compared to those who stayed married.

A popular scientist, Harry Benson said “The whole point of marriage is to affirm commitment that couples make for their stability and for their children”. And so, what good is marriage for women if it is detrimental to their emotional and health welfare. Observation from 10,000 single women shows that, women are happy at the initial stage of relationship and willingly enjoy every moment of it. Seems the pressure of commitment and too much of sacrifices expected of them crumbles their spirit till they give up on themselves and their dreams.

Quotes by notable authors on marriage

About Yewande Adedokun 261 Articles
A vast creative writer with great experience in different fields of writing and a partner in a major content management firm. Conveniently a UX, Content, Script and Copywriter with various works on different content platforms such as Opera. Contact Yewande for any content project.